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Results for "Dalai Lama"
The Wisdom of Forgiveness Fascinating dialogues about this important spiritual practice along with compassion, interdependence, emptiness, and much more.
A Profound Mind An explanation of how selflessness can lead to a life of compassion.
The Art of Happiness, 10th Anniversary Edition Presents detachment, contentment, and a sense of inner worth as the basic sources of happiness.
Many Ways to Nirvana Five lectures by His Holiness the Dalai Lama on practices that can transform your mind and way of living.
Ethics for the New Millennium A inspirational and soulful work.
How to Be Compassionate A compelling book on cultivating the seeds of love and compassion in our lives, especially for our enemies.
Imagine All the People Explores spiritual practices that can heal the world.
Heart to Heart A collection of crucial (and adorable) ecological wisdom.
Toward a True Kinship of Faiths Affirms the strong points of the world's major religions and chooses compassion as the spiritual practice they all revere.
Meditations to Transform the Mind Ways to tame and develop the mind.